'NewStart' - Fast Life Coaching

You want results and you want it Fast - Now!

Call for an appointment ASAP, and find out immediately, how your life can change for the better straight away, from the very first session.

The first session will help us both to find the right direction and focus for your life.  Discover your hidden potential.

Perhaps you may feel that you simply need to learn new life lessons. Be mentored by an expert in the field. 

You will need someone who has the wisdom of the years and yet is in touch with life right now. You will get fast results from a person with the relevant training, to help you in Life Coaching, for your better life. You want a 'NewStart'.

What you may gain... 

  • Self Confidence - Our Day Seminars compliment our Fast training
  • Learn to De-stress - Techniques and tools that really help you. 
  • Get Peace - An inner calmness and tranquility
  • Inner Security - Letting go of the Neediness
  • Winning Ways - Relationship Success.
  • Enthusiasm - that will build a new style of LIfe
  • Finding your potential - More personal success than ever before
We are waiting to help you, so come and get results fast... Invest in yourself right now for a better life through our Life Coaching to gain mastery over your life and your dreams.. do it now..start right now by taking responsibility to do something about your life.. its your LIFE!

Call  a Talk Therapy Life Coach, at Convergence College, in Central Milton Keynes right now, and book a single session of one hour at £99.00 with our resident Life Coach, to discuss your needs and gain some direction in your life immediately.

Alternatively, you may also book a life changing set course of Coaching sessions for £999.00 (groups may also book a course of sessions - discounted to less than £83.00 per session.

Phone local office hours after 10am on 01908 234643, or leave a text message on 07786 260440.

Simply Caring...